The Scripture memory focus in sixth grade helps students to answer the question of what Christians should be doing on earth while we await the second coming of Christ. As a believer, we are commanded to tell others about Jesus Christ and the good news of the gospel. They will focus on Bible passages related to the Ascension, the coming of the Holy Spirit, the Great Commission, and the Trinity. Students will learn to use a concordance and will practice sharing their faith using the Roman Road.
In sixth grade, students take a level mathematics course to prepare them for their math trajectory in middle and high school. Our courses are a bridge from elementary school into middle school math by providing consistent review of concepts taught in the program with an emphasis on learning math to solve real-world problems. Students will learn not only how math principles work but also how to think critically about those principles and construct arguments so they can use the principles in real-world situations.
Sixth grade students transition from a reading program to a literature program, guiding students towards lifelong reading success by leading them through literary works that will broaden their understanding of the world. Students read a variety of short stories, selections, and novels that introduce them to new and relevant selections from a variety of authors, genres, and backgrounds. Students will learn how to use reading strategies so they can get the most out of their reading. As they practice reading, analyzing, and evaluating literary works, they will demonstrate their learning through evidence-based writing, narrative writing, and descriptive writing. Word study is completed to enhance writing and communication.
In science, sixth grade students will study the incredible intricacies of cells and organisms, matter and energy, astronomy, heredity, the nervous system, and the immune system. Students engage in a variety of learner centered activities and projects to demonstrate their learning and conceptual understanding. The goal of science exploration is to broaden the students’ understanding and appreciation of the world God created.
Students conclude a 4-year chronological study of world history that began in the third grade. As students study the Industrial Revolution through modern day history, students will construct a physical timeline of events and practice map skills while studying the geography of the time period’s most influential regions. Special emphasis is placed on what is happening in the United States as global history unfolds. Some historical topics include the Peter the Great and powerful leaders of Russia, the Industrial Revolution, the American and French revolutions, Napoleon and the Congress of Vienna, the Crimean War, WWI and WWII, Berlin and the Cold War, the end of communism in Europe, and turmoil in the Middle East.
During the 2022-2023 school year, the enrichment specials offered during the school day for sixth graders include art, PE, study skills, and Biblical formations. Specials are subject to change from year to year.
In sixth grade, various subject areas are taught using BJU programs (math, spelling, literature and science). Sixth grade utilizes an evidence-based writing program from EB Academics that pairs nicely with grammar support from Easy Grammar. Publishing company Notgrass History provides the Adam to Us program that supports our 4-year chronological approach to learning history in grades 3 - 6. The Keys for the Kingdom program is utilized during morning devotional time for Biblical formation.