The specials described are part of our 2022-2023 course offerings. Please note that specials vary from year to year and from campus to campus. Contact individual Site Administrators for details on yearly offerings on specific campuses.
The Christian is the one whose imagination should fly beyond the stars.
- Francis A. Schaeffer
The art program at HLA has explored various concepts, themes, and media. Over the years, students have dived into art history from the Byzantine era to modern day art. They have studied art from around the world and what type of art is indigenous to which country.
They are learning what the Bible says about art and reiterating that we are created in the image of the Creator. Students have worked with various media...weaving, clay, plaster, resin as well as being versed in the fundamentals of art: elements of art and principles of design.
Creating is a form of worship for the Creator and not the creation...vital piece to the art program at HLA.
Check out the art gallery below to see what our students have created over the years!
In elementary Spanish, students learn the basics through song. During the course of the year, students are exposed to greetings, family members, colors, shapes, numbers 1-20, days of the week, months of the year, seasons, weather, pets, morning routine vocabulary, body parts, backpack and classroom items, fruits/veggies, transportation, clothing, Scriptural songs, and seasonal vocabulary.
Students also learn new vocabulary through scriptural songs in Spanish. Examples include: "Jesus Loves Me", "My God Is So Big", "Think of Others", "O Give Thanks to the Lord", "God is So Good", "Always Say Thank You", "The B-I-B-L-E", and "The Lord is My Shepherd".
Research shows that physical activity and student performance in the classroom go hand in hand. Through stretching, basic sport skills, game play, team building, and nutrition education, students get a well-rounded Physical Education experience that allows them to reset mentally, emotionally, and physically, building the foundation for a healthy lifestyle for years to come.
At the end of the school year, each campus holds its own Field Day event with competitive games, relay events, group kickball games, and general fitness activities. This is the highlight of the end of each school year!
At HLA, we are committed to providing our students with a strong Biblical background. We understand that to fulfill our mission of building leaders who can impact the world for Christ, our students need a fortified working knowledge of the Word of God. There is power in His words! For a full description of this special area, click here.
This is a special course for HLA 6th graders only. The goal is to provide students with the requisite skills to be successful when moving to the middle/high school campus. Students will investigate study skills through learning about learning styles, improving focus, making good habits, time management and study tips. They will practice active listening, note taking, MLA format, and writing a lab report. Students will learn to have a discussion in a Socratic Open Seminar with higher level thinking questions. They will also learn the difference between plagiarism & paraphrasing.
There is a fairly important technological component to this course as they become more independent in their studies. They will learn and use the Google Suite, Classreach, and other educational sites and software.