K6 - Curriculum by Subject

Math Curriculum

Kindergarten Singapore Primary Mathematics, 2022 edition
1st grade Singapore Primary Mathematics, 2022 edition
2nd grade Singapore Primary Mathematics, 2022 edition
3rd grade Singapore Primary Mathematics, 2022 edition
4th grade Singapore Primary Mathematics, 2022 edition
5th grade Singapore Primary Mathematics, 2022 edition
6th grade BJU Math 6 / BJU Fundamentals of Math

Singapore Primary Mathematics

Primary Mathematics Student Book

The Singapore math method is a highly effective teaching approach originally developed by Singapore’s Ministry of Education in the 1980s for Singapore public schools.To learn more about Singapore Math, its history, and methodology, watch the video below.

The Singapore CPA approach (concrete-pictorial-abstract) lends itself well to the learner-centered environment we strive to provide as part of our HLA vision. Students interact with their peers, manipulatives, math models, and real-world application problems daily within the program. Click here to access the Scope and Sequence for each grade level within Primary Mathematics. 

Students doing math schoolwork

BJU Math

Math 6 TextbookFundamentals of Math textbook

BJU Press’s middle and high school math product line equips students to develop advanced mathematical skills and strategies. Ultimately, this scaffolded program enables students to solve real-world problems by extending their understanding through strategic modeling of mathematical procedures, tiered practice problems, and the use and creation of mathematical models in authentic contexts. Targeted keyword searches, graphing calculator instruction, and spreadsheet activities help students use technology to extend their knowledge and skills and apply them to life.

Elementary Math Leveling

At each elementary campus, math begins the day and all grade levels take math at the same time. This purposeful design allows us to place students according to their needs. While both the BJU and Singapore series have built in enrichment and remediation, we do allow students to switch levels during the math block if they need extra support or a significant challenge. Newly incoming students should contact the Site Administrator for details. In most cases, a placement test will be given to determine a child’s readiness. 


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