Carl has served as Head of School since HLA’s inception in 2017. He is married to Elizabeth and they have 3 kiddos (Zeke, Haven, Amelia). Carl has a passion for maintaining the Christo-centric, gospel-infused culture that has been created across all HLA campuses, while also implementing a quality preK-12 educational experience that meets the needs of all students and prepares them for whatever path they choose to pursue post-high school.
A desire to serve others by using the abilities and gifts God gave Carl instilled in him a deep passion for teaching and education, which led him to the mission field of the public school system here in Wake County for ten years where he was a lead teacher at Cary High School. He had the privilege of impacting close to 2,000 students at Cary High over his ten year tenure. Carl was honored as Cary High’s Teacher of the Year during his time at CHS as well as taking a lead role in initiating several programs to promote teacher development and growth for WCPSS. In 2014, Carl took his first of many trips to South Sudan where he led teacher and administration workshops to support indigenous Sudanese in establishing self-sustaining schools. It was then that God started laying on his heart a desire to work with teachers as a coach and mentor.
Carl continues to be blown away by God’s goodness and faithfulness in guiding HLA to raise up the next generation to impact the world for Jesus, as He continues to do more than we could ever hope or imagine in and through HLA to make His name great here in our community and across the world! Psalm 115:1