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Anne Wright - High School History

Anne Wright

High School History

Anne Wright

Anne graduated from Virginia Tech with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Family and Child Development with a certification to teach kindergarten-fifth grade.  For four years, she taught fifth grade in the Fairfax County Public Schools system in Fairfax, Virginia.  After having her first child, Anne became a stay-at-home mom.  As her family grew, the Lord led her to homeschool her children, which she has done with much joy and fulfillment for the last twenty years.  During this time, Anne has taught history in co-op settings to elementary, middle, and high school students.  She has a passion for history and enjoys making the subject come alive for her students through engaging activities and discussions.  Anne is excited about joining the HLA family, where she can continue sharing the evidence of God’s goodness through her teaching.

Outside the classroom, Anne enjoys spending time with her husband and four children, traveling, taking long walks, planning special events, and cheering on her favorite sports teams! 


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