Amy was born and raised in Ft. Lauderdale. She graduated from Florida Atlantic University with a BA in Elementary Education. She began teaching 4th grade at a small Christian school in South Florida. In 2000 she married her husband, who she met at the school they both were teaching. After having her first child she became a stay at home mom, she still subbed, tutored and watched children in her home. They moved to NC in 2005 after their second child was born. Her husband, Mark, is a 3rd grade public school teacher. When her daughter was in Kindergarten she was having severe anxiety, so they decided to homeschool her. Later they found out she is dyslexic, so it was a blessing from God to teach her from home. She continued to homeschool all three of her children, graduating the oldest in 2021. Her two other children attend HLA. She has been a classroom teacher, homeschool parent and a co-teacher. She knows God has placed her at HLA this year, in 5th grade and she is excited to see how He will use her in the life of her students.