Our Team

Our Team

Hope Hucks - Kindergarten – RTP/Durham

Hope Hucks

Kindergarten – RTP/Durham

Hope Hucks

Hope is a native of NC but has lived in multiple states and countries. She and her husband, George, have enjoyed traveling overseas on various missions trips. Hope graduated from Southern Wesleyan University with degrees in Elementary Education and Bible. She began her teaching career in the public school setting, then chose to stay home with her kids. After homeschooling grades kindergarten through sixth grade, God opened the door for her children, Emily, Elijah & Ryland, to attend HLA. During their first year at HLA, Hope substituted in almost every grade level and fell in love with HLA’s staff and families. She feels so blessed to be a part of the team as HLA-Durham’s kindergarten teacher, and to have the opportunity to partner with parents as they teach their little ones about how God created them, loves them, and is always with them.


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